Thursday, September 18, 2008


I left work at 7:40 last night. As I pulled in the driveway Isabella came running up yelling something. As I got out I finally understand what she was saying. She was all excited cause she is able to ride her bike without the training wheels anymore. So of course she had to show me. I spent about 10 minutes outside watching her. She was so proud. The cool thing is it only took her 2 days. I was impressed.
It was fun to watch her zip down the street, until i realized she was going all the way down the street and it was getting dark. I had to call her to come back. She only knows one speed right now and that is fast. I walked beside her and tried to get her ride slowly. It lasted about 10 seconds. I think once she gets the hang of balancing she will be alot better.
To stop she would drive up onto our driveway and onto the grass and lay the bike down and she kind of fell / jumped off. Good thing our driveway is sloped. She will get the hang of braking.
It was just as impressive to hear the support from Alyssa and Bradley. They were so excited that she could ride. They all ride to the park with Cynthia so Bella can now feel free without the extra wheels. Normally she would either ride the scooter, bike with training wheels or ride on the back of Bradley's bike cause he has pegs.
Way to go Bella...although i am scared to think of what is next. lol


Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

Yay Bella! Let her know we are proud of her accomplishment! Wooo Hooo

whiteguy1 said...

Sounds like instead of learning how to stop the bike that she is gearing up to do some serious "ghosties"! How cool, tell her that Uncle guy loved to do them, too bad the bikes dont like it. Love ya!

Nicki said...

Way to go Bella! How fun for her, she can feel just like the "big kids" now.