Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4th of July - Better Late Than Never

I am back. I have been verbally abused by a few friends for not keeping up my blog. Well hopefully I can at least add to it today and keep some of you happy. You know who you are. lol
We had a great 4th of July. The kids were so excited that we went to Stadium of Fire. I was not happy the previous Sunday when Cynthia announced she spent over $250 on tickets. I was upset for a few days but got used to the idea. I talked myself into the fact that it was for the kids. That was also the time I found out that the Blue Man Group would be there also. We left in plenty of time to find free parking (always good) and be able to walk to the stadium without being crushed or losing one of the kids. We got to our seats and were able to relax before everything got under. My sister Michele had her daughter, Marci, dancing and so she found us and visited for a few before the start.
The feeling in the stadium was electric every time they talked about the men and women serving in the armed forces. I will always call Australia home but and damn proud of those that sacrifice theirs lives. In alot of respects the USA is also my home.
The highlights of the show for all of us were the parachutes, dancing, jets flying over after the national anthem and the fireworks. I enjoyed the Blue Man Group and wished they had been on longer. Miley Cirus was terrible. She can't sing live worth a lick. Well that is my opinion. The sound system was not very good. It was not very loud at all. Isabella and Alyssa were both standing on theirs seats singing and dancing. At least they enjoyed it. They were just happy to see her live after missing the earlier concert. We were smart and left via 9th east in Provo and made it home at a reasonable time. Most of the traffic was heading West. Hate to know what time they got home.
Life has gone on since then. I do not work at Wal Mart anymore. I gave that up last week. They didn't want me to leave but understood my reasoning.
I am currently working about 50 hours a week at Caselle and that is plenty.
I have plenty of pictures to be posted. I guess that will be my next post, when I get around to it.

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